Puppy Preschool

Puppy Preschool

Puppy training and socialisation is an essential part of your puppy’s development. Puppy preschool is a great way to introduce your puppy to new friends, teach him/her basic puppy training as well enhance the bonding experience in a friendly and fun environment.

Aggy is our recommended puppy school instructor and offers puppy school classes through the company Take a Lead. The course runs for 4 weeks and is conveniently located on our premise. Aggy is a qualified dog trainers and puppy school instructors and has been training puppies for over 10 years.

Puppy Class includes:

  • Basic obedience instructions such as “sit”, “drop” etc…
  • Puppy management such as toilet training, puppy biting, puppy management in the home.
  • Socialisation with other dogs
  • Socialisation with the wider world
  • Puppy handling as well as Fun tricks and games.

Course Details:

Week 1

We explain training techniques and how to build your pups confidence and read your puppies body language, socialise with other pups on lead, address toilet training and nipping and biting, teach the sit and leave it command.

(1st lesson we often run overtime as puppy owners have lots of questions and we try to answer them all – please bring more time with you)

Week 2

Revision of week one and we ask owners how they went during the week, to help with any issues you might have. Your puppy will learn the drop, come when called and heel command, and you will learn how to socialise your puppy correctly to noises.

Week 3

Expand and review week 2 and focus on the come when called command with
added distractions, teach the stop command and discuss
how to prevent the development of food or possession guarding.

Week 4

Graduation night, discuss any questions you might have and practice come when
called with distractions and teach the stay command and on your bed command. Tricks and games.

Requirements for attending Puppy School:

  • puppies must be no older than 16 weeks at commencement of puppy class
  • puppies must have had their 1st vaccination at least one week prior to starting class
  • bring your puppy on lead and collar to class

Class size: Maximum of 8 puppies
Cost of course: $280
To enrol your puppy, simply email Aggy at aggy@takealead.com.au
You can also get more information by viewing the www.takealead.com.au